One of the most common areas of the body for excess fat to accumulate is beneath the chin. Colloquially referred to as a “double chin,” this aesthetic concern is experienced by men and women alike—and it often remains immune to even the healthiest diets and most stringent exercise routines. Fortunately, individuals seeking treatment for a double chin that does not respond to traditional toning efforts can often find a solution in the form of minimally invasive KYBELLA®.


KYBELLA® is the first and only non-surgical injectable approved by the FDA for treating under-chin (submental) fullness. Comprised of a deoxycholic acid-based solution, this alternative to liposuction is designed to break down fat cells in the targeted area(s), which then exit the body via natural processes to leave behind a leaner, more toned contour below the chin and along the jawline. As added benefits, there is generally little to no downtime following the injections, and retreatment is typically unnecessary as long as a relatively stable weight is maintained.

At our practice, Austin plastic surgeon Steven Holzman, MD has considerable skill and experience in utilizing KYBELLA® to reduce submental fullness and improve under-chin and jawline definition for both men and women. Through a customized series of injections, he can help you reduce the appearance of a double chin with exceptionally natural-looking results—all while avoiding the recovery time associated with surgical procedures like chin liposuction or neck lift.

What Does the KYBELLA® Treatment Involve?

KYBELLA® treatments are performed by Dr. Holzman in the comfort and convenience of our office, generally taking less than 30 minutes to complete. During the procedure, a topical anesthetic is first applied to minimize potential discomfort, and KYBELLA® injections are carefully administered in targeted locations under the chin and jawline using an ultra-thin needle. Repeat injections are spaced one month apart, with four to five sessions typically being necessary to achieve the desired results. Following each injection session, patients are usually able to return to normal, non-strenuous routines and activities within one to two days—if not the same day.

How Long Does KYBELLA® Last?

Initial toning and firming effects of KYBELLA® generally become noticeable after two to four treatments, with the final appearance usually manifesting a few weeks after the last injection session. Once this final outcome is achieved, results should be long-lasting—if not permanent—barring any serious fluctuations in body weight.

Are There Any Side Effects from KYBELLA®?

A mild to moderate degree of swelling and bruising is common initially after KYBELLA® injections, though these side effects are temporary and should diminish relatively quickly. While significant pain is rare, some patients do report soreness or slight discomfort in the treatment region within the first couple of days—but these symptoms can often be controlled easily with cold compresses and/or medication until fully resolved.

What Does KYBELLA® Cost?

At our Austin practice, the cost of KYBELLA® varies from patient to patient, with exact pricing being based on the quantity of injections administered and how many treatment sessions are required to create an optimal result.

To obtain a custom price quote for KYBELLA®, you will need to book an in-person consultation with Dr. Holzman. At this time, he can assess your unique needs and goals, formulate a personalized treatment plan, and provide a cost estimate based on the specifics of your case. In the event the expense of KYBELLA® is an issue, we do offer plastic surgery financing to help make treatment affordable for virtually any budget.

Contact Holzman Plastic Surgery

To learn more about KYBELLA®, or if you are interested in double chin reduction and think this treatment might be right for you, please contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Holzman.