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4 Factors That Affect Your Facelift Recovery

The recovery time following facelift surgery is crucial to the outcome of the procedure. Austin plastic surgeon Dr. Steven Holzman emphasizes to his patients the importance of following post-operative guidelines for a smooth recovery. While every patient experiences a unique healing process, Dr. Holzman explains that facelift patients can generally expect some swelling and bruising in the beginning, as well as minor discomfort that can be reduced with medication. 

To avoid complications during the weeks following your surgery, Dr. Holzman the following to anyone who has been considering or has recently undergone facelift surgery:

For most patients undergoing a facelift, regular daily activities can typically be resumed within 7-10 days, though strenuous exercise and heavy lifting should be avoided for at least four weeks. That said, it is important to consult directly with your surgeon and attend all of your scheduled follow-up appointments to ensure your recovery is progressing appropriately. Should you undergo additional procedures, such as an eyelid lift or browlift, your recovery may take longer. 

Please contact us to schedule an appointment with Dr. Holzman, so he can help you find the most beneficial solution for your unique needs.